Baby & Kids




Customer Reviews

"Bought for my grandson and granddaughter. They had so much fun reading the book and having a snowball fight. The whole family joined in! Elegantly wrapped, loved the crate they came in!"
-Mary H.

Get A Baby Show Wish Book To Record Cherished Memories

Filigree Hinged Journal 

A baby shower Wish Album is a wondrous way to celebrate the arrival of a new little one while creating memories to be cherished for years to come. A meaningful take on the traditional guest book, our Filigree Hinged Journal captures sweet little wishes from each shower guest and becomes a beautiful keepsake filled with heartfelt sentiment.

Before the shower, set up a small table near the entryway for the Wish Album writing station. Adding a bouquet of flowers or basket of favors gives a lovely welcoming touch! Print a copy of our Wish Album sign here, or create your own unique design asking guests to leave a wish for the new baby. Place it in a pretty frame, and set it out on the table next to the journal and a nice pen. As guests arrive, they'll be welcomed to the shower with this sweet little setting and be encouraged to leave words of well wishes.

Through the years, the gift of a journal filled with precious memories of guests that attended the shower and their sweet sentiments will warm the hearts of both mother-to-be and her little one.