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Perfect Succulent Gift
I sent this to my cousins who hosted me in their home for a week to attend funeral services for my sister. They are seniors, like me, so I wanted something alive with minimal effort in caring. They have a beautiful greenhouse type window enclosure over their sink and I imagined this beautiful plant to be a nice addition. It worked. They really love it. And it does not require a lot of time and attention to keep it alive.
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Awesome Color!
Love the size and shape and color of the pot plus succulents arrived in great shape and are growing!
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Bought this for my dear friend when her father passed and she absolutely LOVED it!! From the little bag of water that was included to the blush colored vase she said she keeps moving it all over her house so she sees it everywhere. I sent it to a second friend when her mom passed- it seems to have a very tranquil presentation. Thank you Olive and Cocoa??
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