Hello Gorgeous Spa Crate

Hello Gorgeous Spa Crate (#40321)
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NEW! Pamper her with a treasure trove of luxury spa products and uplifting affirmations. Collection includes rose shower steamers, a bergamot bath bomb, goat milk hand cream, a grapefruit soap sponge, hydrating under eye jellies, “hello gorgeous" and “hello beautiful" embroidered cotton towels, and delicious mug cake. All arrive gift wrapped together in a hand crafted wood crate with ribbon.
- Set of 6 Rose Shower Steamers
- 1 Bergamot Bath Bomb
- 1 Goat Milk Hand & Body Cream
- 1 Grapefruit Soap Sponge
- 1 Pack Hydrating Under Eye Jellies
- 2 Embroidered Cotton Hand Towels
- 1 Pink Champagne Mug Cake
- 1 Hand Crafted Wood Crate with Lid

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